Tuesday, 23 August 2022

The Most Common Automatic Transmission Issues – Solved!

Automatic transmission has been a buzz word around us for a while now. But, do you know about the actual component behind the automatic transmission? This is a torque converter.

It transforms engine power into hydraulic pressure, which in turn regulates the shifting. However, it might seem quite efficient until there is a failure. The torque converter might fail and put you in a lot of trouble.

As a torque converter is a mechanical device, it is prone to failure. The effort required by the vehicle to maintain the same speed level increases when the torque converter develops a fault. 

The engine will need to turn more times per minute to operate, which will reduce the transmission fluid pressure and fuel efficiency. But, there might be a complete misconception about the symptoms of a failing torque converter, as many owners miscalculate the transmission issues. And, sometimes people pay a huge amount for transmission repair. 

This turns into an expensive affair. However, the cost of replacing the torque converter is much less than that of replacing the transmission.

If there is enough awareness about the torque converters issue, you will not end up paying for the unnecessary repair.

Slippery Gears

In an automatic transmission, the gears should change automatically in a smooth manner. However, you can also experience a slippery transition, and sometimes the gears are not able to hold onto a position. 

However, a rigid automatic transmission is a sign of the initiation of failure of the torque converter. You can be sure by opting for expert advice at a reliable service centre. Service experts will pick up the car & deliver it back after the servicing is done. You can get experts help in your nearest location and with all car brands as well, Like you need help for your Audi service Manchester then our Manchester location experts will help you.

Overheating Transmission

Transmission is quite sensitive to heat, and there is always a lot of heat produced during a drive. However, a lack of transmission fluid contributes to the heat generation as it is not able to provide enough lubrication. 

However, a failing torque converter, which fails to work properly, is also a major cause of overheating. You can make yourself sure of this by consulting with a professional to mitigate further damage.

Abnormal Sounds from the Transmission System

There are numerous sounds that can be made when a torque converter malfunctions. Sometimes, there is also a rattling noise, but this noise won't be as loud when the car is in park.

The rattling noise will, however, become more frequent and louder as soon as the transmission shifts into gear, which is bad news for your converter. Any noise from your transmission is not a good sign for a torque converter. 

Transmission Fluid Contamination

A torque converter consists of automatic transmission fluid (ATF) to lubricate high efficiency functioning. However, a worn torque converter may allow the metal debris to contaminate it.

A contaminated transmission fluid is not supposed to work properly even result into internal damage. Additionally, contaminated fluid can harm the stator bearings and turbine fins, two torque converter parts.

Apart from that, the transmission fluid might end up in sludge if there is negligence for a long time. Make sure your transmission is always filled with high-quality fluid to avoid either of these from happening over time. 

Just replacing the contaminated fluid can save you a lot of money, so keep that in mind.

Improper Synchronization of Transmission

A torque converter needs to be intact while transferring power from the engine to the transmission system. However, a damaged torque converter lacks the capacity to transfer the engine power to the hydraulic pressure properly.

It also includes the increment into the stall speed, a minimum RPM that is necessary to initiate the revolution transfer to the transmission.

However, improper synchronization is clearly visible while it needs an expert assessment. If there are no issues with the torque converter, transmission programming turns out to be useful to bring the system back on track.

Severe Trembling During a Drive

Severe trembling is not a good experience when it might occur for many reasons. One common cause is a defective torque converter when you start to experience severe shakes even on a smooth surface.

Technically, it is due to the lock-up clutch inside the torque converter. It fails to facilitate the smooth transmission. However, if you started to experience such issues, it is worth to have an inspection at a reliable service centre.

Acceleration Problem

The torque converter is likely to be the cause of a transmission issue if your car feels slower than usual or physically trembles when you press the gas pedal, suggesting that it is having trouble accelerating as it normally would.

However, the underlying engine issue is a common cause of the acceleration problems. But, if it is coupled with an odd transmission system sound, there is no way that it could not be a problem with the torque converter.

When you are aware of the symptoms, torque converter issues are liable to be prevented. Once these symptoms become apparent, it is imperative to have the appliance fixed or to seek professional assistance.

A torque converter is just a part of transmission systems, but it may wreak havoc inside the unit. However, torque converters are inexpensive to replace, especially when compared to the car's transmission. 

Therefore, it is imperative that you recognise these warning signs and act right away if any symptoms appear. However, torque converter is a technical component and you cannot rely on anyone for the car maintenance.

Here, Service My Car assures the satisfaction interms of quality and cost for a car repair. You can approach us on our app or website by requesting a quote for a car service. 

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Here’s What to Do to Improve Fuel Economy

The car brings a lot of comfort but at a certain cost. As a car owner, you often need to fill your car tank up to drive to your destination. But, have you ever paid attention to the fuel economy of your vehicle.

Most car owners generally come to know about the mileage at the time of purchase. However, a well-performing car might have an astonishing mileage but these figures generally are recorded under favourable conditions. Most of these conditions are hard to meet in a real-time environment.

However, there are ways available to improvise the fuel economy of your car if you are really keen on improving your car mileage. 

Change Your Car Gears Efficiently

A car driver must know the proper gear to increase a car's efficiency in terms of fuel. However, driving in a lower gear with higher RPM consumes more fuel. On the other hand, most cars result in higher fuel efficiency when the RPM remains in between the 1500 to 2000 range. 

Besides, driving a car in a lower gear at high RPM will generally lead to premature wear and tear to the transmission system.

A worn-out transmission generally hints about damage, if you notice something unusual with your car transmission. Do not delay to have a transmission inspection at a trusted workshop such as Service My Car. Our experts bring a specialization in car transmission repair and car MOT check.

Always Focus On Driving Steadily

Many car drivers are used to the jackrabbit start, especially at the red lights while making use of the hard brakes to stop the high acceleration.

Such a driving habit hurts the fuel economy of your vehicle. By avoiding the rapid acceleration as well as hard brakes, you can improve the mileage from 10 to 40 per cent. Besides, you also keep safe the car's engine and other components from premature wear and tear. 

The rapid acceleration does have an impact on the car's engine as well as the timing belt. If you drive your car in this manner, your car engine will surely need repair sooner or later. In case you need a specialist for your car repair, approach the Service My Car for a quality car engine repair as well as a timing belt replacement.

Apart from that, you have to keep in mind to avoid the drive just after starting your car. If you minimize the cold engine driving, it would result in increased fuel efficiency.

Pay Attention to Good Car Maintenance

A well-maintained car always delivers high efficiency. A regular and on-time service induces the clean air filter and the fuel filter. A clogged air filter cannot provide enough air for the air and fuel mixture and often results in poor mileage.

During car maintenance, you can opt for car scanning and diagnostics to pinpoint the exact issue. However, an expert would be a better choice to carry out such tasks. The Service My Car is the one-stop solution for your car needs whether it is air filter replacement or oil filter replacement.

A car service does not bring ample effect to the fuel economy. But, every small improvisation is necessary for the aggregate performance of the car.

Maintain Optimal Tyre Pressure

Inadequate tyre pressure generally hurts the fuel efficiency of a car. It is necessary to have the recommended tyre pressure that the manufacturer suggests. 

Improper tyre pressure puts excess loads on the engine. However, a low-pressure tyre is always prone to flat tyre conditions that you would not like to have when you have to reach your destination on time.

However, you can opt for roadside assistance in case of an emergency from the Service My Car.

Utilize Your Car AC Efficiently

Surely, you can add up your mileage by utilizing your car's air conditioner. Consistent usage of your car air conditioner may decrease the car mileage by up to 30 per cent.

It would not be quite comfortable riding without an air conditioner under hot weather conditions. But, your car's air conditioner works at its optimal level, turning your AC off frequently during a ride. 

However, a car's air conditioner needs to work efficiently too and it should not have any issue with any of its components. In case you feel there is a need for car ac repair or ac gas refill, head towards the Service My Car.

Try To Avoid Idling 

Car idling signifies not moving your car, even if the engine is turned on. It seems pointless to keep your car's engine even when have to stop for a considerable time. Just turn the ignition off and also try to switch the air conditioner off.

These simple tips turn out to be great solutions when it comes to improvising the fuel economy of your car.

Check Out For Wheels Misalignment

The wheel misalignment often drags your car to a side of the road while putting extra load on the car engine. 

It is always necessary to keep a check over the wheel alignment, or the suspension system. Such car issues often result in increased fuel efficiency.

Besides, they also invite unexpected breakdowns that you won't like as a car owner. However, you can take the assistance of a trusted service provider such as Service My Car for proper wheel alignment.

Offload the Unnecessary Weight 

Added weight can increase the fuel mileage too. Thus, it is necessary to offload the extra weight if you have any in your car to increase your car's fuel economy.

Try to avoid filling up the tank as it also adds weight to your car. However, it also has a downs side as you might end up with a low fuel that pressurizes the fuel pump too.

You cannot improve the car mileage by implementing one or two hacks. However, a collective execution surely produces the desired results if you have a keen focus on fuel economy. Besides, if you need a trusted service provider, just call us or book a service online.